Franz Rusetsky (page - 2)Biography
My   mother  Galina  Franzevna
Rusetskaya  was  born  in  Romny town
(Poltava  region,  Ukraine)  in 1918.
Since     1921     she    lived    in
SaintPetersburg. She finished theater
school(it wasn't an institute at that
time).   First  she  was  working  at
theatre  named after Radlov, then she
was accepted into the trope of Comedy
Theatre   lead   by  N.P.Akimov.  Her
actress  career  was unsuccessful. In
1952  she left the theatre. Later she
was  writing some sketches and songs.
In  her last years she was engaged in
painting. She died when she was 55 in
1973   from   cancer.
Galina Rusetskaya Biography